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Virtual Meetings

Physical vs Virtual Events? Pros and Cons of the Online Format

Written by Natalia Denisova, PhD VP, Head of Medical Affairs MphaR
March 9, 2023

In this professional milieu, virtual events, conferences, and seminars are nothing new but evidently too mainstream. The notion behind hosting a corporate or recreational event is to connect healthcare professionals for a common goal - to claim, celebrate, teach, or inform.

Often times, these authentic physical conferences seem to be the perfect way to spread information but of course there are many different sorts of events to hold in today's fast-paced society.

While there are certain benefits to conducting a physical event, there is no match when it comes to the benefits of presenting a virtual event. Online conferences surely provide a win-win situation by hypothetically saving thousands in event planning. Moreover, these expenses include improved participant numbers, enhanced reach, content durability, and overall influence on event results.

Perhaps, our Virtual Advisory Board Platform specializes in assisting pharmaceutical companies in planning and executing effective virtual events. This VABP platform administers every aspect of healthcare events by employing our online conference tools and techniques to make your event run smoothly. This platform makes sure to be in the best interest for pharmaceutical staff, doctors and healthcare professionals.

While such virtual events like seminars and meetings are prevalent, the events sector is blazing a trail by presenting high-profile sessions completely online.

Virtual Events: Pros and Cons

Talking about past experiences and engaging with those who share common values are the most natural and remarkable approaches to form and maintain long-term bonds.

As a result, most pharmaceutical organizations consider such events to be crucial. These professional interactions at 'events' are critical in enabling industry growth, enhanced productivity, and employee welfare and development.

It’s always a better way to make the most of virtual events as per your requirements. Here's a rundown of the benefits and drawbacks of virtual events, as well as some crucial points to remember.

·     Less Expensive

For doctors and pharmaceutical staff, the most convincing assistance is that online conferences are frequently less expensive. When compared with physical events, you don’t need to ask doctors to come from far located places and spend on accommodation and food costs.

Online conferences and events contribute in the development of an all-inclusive educational setting that increases performance and staff competency. If the virtual conference is compelling, well-organized, and informative, these remedial employees will have an exceptional time. 

·     Flexibility and Modifications

Unlike physical events, online meetings are not restricted to a location with a number of separate spaces or chairs in an auditorium. Most importantly, they may be scaled up or down to accommodate any number of people. When opposed to a live event, the opportunity to add additional courses to a program is always available and can usually be applied swiftly.

·     Better Reach and Participation

It might be challenging to find a location and time that is appropriate for a physical session to take place. As compared to in-person events, online conferences are of course more valuable since applicants may join from anyplace. Even if some individuals have other professional commitments, they could just have a few minutes.

·     Time to Have Greater Statistics

While conflicting from physical events, virtual conference may be a data-gathering powerhouse, allowing you to learn a lot about your consumers and prospects. It's feasible to trace an attendee's interests and interactions from the time they arrive.

Incorporate this information into your CRM to get a clearer view of how each participant behaves in their virtual sessions.

·     Innovative and Immersive Experience

Virtual events, unlike in-person events, incorporates immersive and interactive elements. You can create a completely distinct brand with such a customized event.

Virtual events keep all of your hard work and store material for later use, unlike physical events, where all of your marketing efforts go in vain.

As all of your information is in the format of online documents, these PowerPoint decks, documented videos, and other formats, it may now be used as part of your company's advertising materials for just as much as you desire.

·     Go Green and Eco-friendly !

Hosting physical sessions have made a significant contribution to the carbon footprint over time. Yes of course, the environment is impacted by travel emissions and discarded printed material.

On the other hand, virtual events let you evade all of these problems while also allowing you to conduct environmentally responsible events!

Cons of Virtual Events Vs Physical Ones

·     No Real-Life Experiences

The simple human connections are the foremost benefits of physical sessions. Undeniably, no innovation in the digital world can entirely substitute it at present. Strong communication is right there during physical events indifferent manners, some of which are strategic. Wandering the exhibition halls, noticing some professional doctors, and meeting up with people you see during conferences is all part about the experience.

You can provide conferences, chat rooms, and other digital substitutes with our VABP platform for different participants.

·     Limited Communication and Engagement

Though, online sessions might have limited means but there’s more to the communication segment. For professionals belonging to the pharmaceutical and healthcare sector, the intentional integration of the accurate platform like VABP truly turns a lifeless experience into an extremely engaging and meaningful.

Start up Your Virtual Meeting Right Now!

Before planning your virtual event, be sure to formulate a strategy and choose the sort of online communication platform with hassle-free methods. Is a major multi-session virtual event in your plans, or would a single-session webinar or webcast suffice?

VABP platform determines that what sort of event you wish to host so make sure you understand what features and maintenance it provides.

For communication, growth and development, our secure VABP platform increases professional assistance and promotes in-depth content interaction, resulting in successful online events throughout the world.

On the other hand, virtual settings, analytics, and seminars are all part of what we deliver to healthcare professionals anytime, anywhere. More from your virtual event solution is required. For additional details, schedule a digital event experience or approach our conference specialists.

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